Simply ICT
Simply ICT
  • Your next move in Telecom?
    Simply ICT, partner in Strategy
  • Cloud Solutions
    Cost Effective
    Simply ICT consultancy


Do you know what you pay each month for your ict? More than half of companies do not have a clue. And nearly 40% of companies assume that ict costs will only increase. Few companies utilise all opportunities to save costs.


Simply ICT advises on the comprehensive range of ict or on subareas. From issues with control and/or sourcing to functionality, from technology to costs and management. We not only look at a business analysis of your company, but also at the developments in the IT  and Telecom market.

Our advice not just aims to make your company ready for the future. In addition tead, we prefer to be of service with advise  that will save you money now, instantly. And: without additional investments. As independent consultants we look for the best price/quality-ratio for your ict requirements, using platforms that perfectly suit your business situation.


Strategic Consultancy

Strategic Consultancy

What is the optimal telecom strategy for your organisation? Obviously that depends on your business situation. But also on your plans for the future. And on your wishes and possibilities. These points of departure form the basis of our strategy. … Read More

Instant Consultancy

You are encountering acute difficulties. Therefore you are not looking for strategic advice but for an instant solution. A plan that will help you out now. But not a makeshift measure. … Read More

Expense Management

Private mobile calls from employees are increasing from 23% to 35% . Surprisingly 9 out ot 10 employees are willing to pay for their private calls. … Read More



  • SIMPLY ICT Amsterdam
    Daalwijkdreef 47
    1103 AD Amsterdam
  • T: +31 (0)20 820 34 96
  • F: +31 (0)84 836 48 11
  • SIMPLY ICT Amstelveen
    Stroombaan 6-8
    1181 XV Amstelveen
  • T: +31 (0)20 220 90 95
  • F: +31 (0)84 836 48 11

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