Simply ICT
Simply ICT
  • Your next move in Telecom?
    Simply ICT, partner in Strategy
  • Cloud Solutions
    Cost Effective
    Simply ICT consultancy

How complicated can ICT be?

Actually it is very simple. ICT must make your work easier. You should benefit from it. And it must be clear. If not you will be putting too much time, money and energy into things that are not your core business.

Simply ICT makes it easy. We take telecom and IT problems back to the core. We simplify your ICT infrastructure. And we bring clarity to the sometimes confusing world of telecom providers, mobile operators, internet services, cloud solutions and integration opportunities. This will make ICT cheaper, more efficient and more transparent for you. After all, technology serves people; it should not be the other way around.

How we work

We give you a clear overview of your ICT infrastructure. The possibilities and wishes. The opportunities and threats. The costs and benefits. From mobility up to and including software. … Read More



  • SIMPLY ICT Amsterdam
    Daalwijkdreef 47
    1103 AD Amsterdam
  • T: +31 (0)20 820 34 96
  • F: +31 (0)84 836 48 11
  • SIMPLY ICT Amstelveen
    Stroombaan 6-8
    1181 XV Amstelveen
  • T: +31 (0)20 220 90 95
  • F: +31 (0)84 836 48 11

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